Saturday, April 30, 2011


New Tinkhundla- English Phrasebook to be published

Publishing house Smith, Jones, Dlamini, Dlamini and Dlamini have announced the publication of a new phrasebook which will make Tinkhundla English comprehensible to English speakers from outside the Swaziland. Here is a foretaste of some of the entries:


Tinkhundla English

Mysteriously disappeared from the police station


Stolen by the police

Unique system of democracy


Mysterious giant serpent with supernatural powers that lives in the river

A snake

Mysteriously disappeared from the Council’s bank account

Stolen by the Council

To suffer from a lack of budgetary means, capacity and infrastructure to implement the constitutional requirement to provide free primary education

To spend on own salaries and cars.



So called ‘progressive’


Commission of Enquiry

Group of wealthy people paid to do nothing

Mysteriously disappeared from the Ministry’s accounting records despite rigorous and exhaustive efforts to trace the misplaced money by an independent financial auditor

Stolen by Ministry staff

To convene a national prayer to resolve the issue of the imploding economy

To capitulate

To convene a national prayer to resolve the issue of spiralling crime

To capitulate

To be in possession of the suspect’s name but in the interests of justice, to not mention it while investigations are ongoing

To fear that the suspect may have connections

To declare one’s assets to the Integrity Commission

To write whatever you like, hand it to a relative, lock it in a safe far from public scrutiny and forget about it.

To lack the financial means to provide anti-retroviral drugs to HIV+ people

To possess the financial means to pay for an $8 million shopping trip to Rome

To thank the EU for its direct budgetary support and to assure them that the money will be targeted at Government’s priorities*

*Impossible to translate as publishers do not believe the EU really gives direct budgetary support

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